Hair Treatment Root Nutrients Effective 100%
People with hair loss, baldness, baldness, men and women can help reduce hair loss, baldness, help blood circulation on the scalp. Hair transplant. Make hair black and thick.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Ethanol, Ethoxy Diglycol, Propylene Glycol, Ginseng Extract, Saw Palmetto Extract, Cantaloupe Extract.
Usage : Gently comb your Hair 2-3 times and spray Neo Hair Lotion on the scalp, then gently comb the whole scalp.Use regularly morning and night. Suggestion : You must have disciplines and be patient. Spray the product on your scalp as much as possible without washing it away. If you want to see the result as soon as possible, then spray the product for two times (It is recommended to use baby shampoo if you are obviously bold or have very short hair). Regularly using the product can provide the result faster than other way. Use one to three bottles of the products in order to obviously see the result.
カテゴリー: | コスメ・美容>>>ヘアケア>>>育毛・スカルプケア |
商品の状態: | 新品、未使用 |
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